Breaking NEWS!: Exam's Next Week


Media Language - The techniques used to get across meanings in any media product, for newspapers this includes - Masthead, choice of images, layout etc

Political Contexts - The political context that surrounds the production of a media product i.e The Guardian is liberal left so supports Labour more than it supports the conservatives

Levi-Strauss' - Strauss studied human myths and identified the idea that we understand our world through binary oppositions, we cannot have night without day etc. More prevalent in Newspapers through contrasting representations of a given group.

Present in Source A is the idea of binary opposites in order to represent the political party Change UK negatively, which represents the Sun's general right wing stance. It achieves this though the headline itself, with the term 'Remainers Leave' which acts as a binary opposition in the literal sense as you cannot both remain and leave. Though with the political context it is less of a binary opposition it still creates such negative initial connotations that the Change UK party are represented negatively. Furthermore, the serious lexis of 'tears itself apart' is contrasted with a comical image of the party smiling in more casual clothing, this binary opposition of comical and serious subject matter implies from the Sun that Change UK are not a serious political party, the lexis 'flops in polls' also supports this. The Sun are negative towards Change UK due to the fact that they are more liberal and against the traditional idea that Britain should be independent from the EU. 

Within Source B, binary oppositions are used to achieve the opposite effect, and attempt to represent Change UK's dire situation as more important than comical. 

Both Sources A and B construct their own versions of reality on a given story, with Source A leaning towards a right-wing, negative reality about the political party and Source B leaning towards more left-wing, positive reality about the political party.

Print and Online have varying cultural expectations of the ways in which audiences interact with them. The audiences of Print News are traditionally passive, whereas the audiences of Online News are traditionally active. Online News audience can comment on individual articles to voice their opinion as well as sharing them to social media feeds, in which the algorithm creates an echo chamber in which the cycle repeats itself. The anonymity of online culture also allows people to be more vocal and less strict in social norms due to the shroud of anonymity. 

Curran and Seaton:
Ownership in media is converging with mergers and stuff, constant pursuit of Profit over Quality.

Vertical integration
Companies measure risk in terms of loss of profit.
Repetition of 'safe' products in order to make money.

Q1. Barthes
Q2. Representations
Q3. Equilibrium, Disruption, Recognition, Attempt to Solve, New Equilibrium
Q4. Neale's Genre Theory
Q5. They repeat codes and conventions until they become the norm.
Q6. Levi-Strauss
Q7. Night and Day
Q8. A constructed reality that is not real but attempts to seem real.
Q9. A simulation of reality.
Q10. Postmodern societies are really really cool :D


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